Sticky note with the text TenderThe Stratford Utility Corporation is accepting Tenders for the construction of Corish Force Main Extension in the Town of Stratford.

This work involves the installation of approximately 1.6 km of new 300mm force main along Kinlock Road as well as 0.7km of new 600mm sewer main alongside the existing 375mm sewer main on MacKinnon Drive.

Town of Stratford will be accepting sealed tenders until 2pm local time, on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at Stratford Town Centre, 234 Shakespeare Drive, Stratford, PEI. 
**Please note that the closing date for this tender has been extended to February 14, 2024 at 2 p.m. (see addendum 1 below for more information).

Please select the link below to access documentation.
- Tender Notice
- Project Specifications
- IFT Documentation
- Addendum No. 1
- Addendum No. 2
- Addendum No. 3