Town of Stratford Boundary Adjustment Request
The Town of Stratford has recently entered into purchase and sale agreements to acquire property to proceed with the Stratford Community Campus initiative, which includes land for town recreational facilities, fields and courts, as well as land for the new high school. The attached summary of the findings from previous consultation exercises provides an overview of the proposed elements and amenities. Public engagement is currently underway regarding long term spending priorities to further explore public interest in different categories of municipal investment in a range of facilities and services. The development of an overall concept plan for the community campus site will begin soon.
A portion of the property being purchased by the Town, as well as a portion of the property being retained by the landowners, are located beyond the Town’s boundary along the Bunbury Road. In order to proceed with the Community Campus, the Town and the landowner will first be applying to adjust the Town’s boundary (a restructuring under provincial legislation) to annex two properties – the portion of PID 608141 not currently located within the current boundaries and an adjacent property, PID 814095, located at 407-409 Bunbury Road. Parcel 814095 is only involved in this application by virtue of its location in relation to Parcel 608141 and does not form part of the Community Campus project or proposed subdivision.
The Town has reached out to property owners located within 150 metres of the properties in question, both within and outside the present boundaries of the Town to provide information on the proposal and the anticipated long-term implications of this boundary adjustment.
As indicated on the attached map, Parcel 608141 is made up of two sections, separated by the Bunbury Road. Under the Town’s Community Campus Initiative, the Town would acquire the portion of Parcel 608141 to the south of the Bunbury Road for future public use (educational facilities, recreation facilities, and other related uses), after transferring a portion at the southern end to be used for commercial and light industrial uses in accordance with the existing zoning for that area. The portion to the north of the Bunbury Road would be retained by the current landowners, with the intention of developing the approximately 20 acres as a low-density residential subdivision, including associated parkland and open space.

Findings from Engagement - Proposed Future Elements and Amenities
The Community Campus initiative also involves a second parcel adjacent to Parcel 608141, although it is located fully within Town boundaries and does not form part of the boundary adjustment proposal. As with Parcel 608141, the proposed future use of Parcel 1086107 will be public facilities, as well as approximately 17 acres of low-density residential use adjacent to the Bunbury Road.
Any consideration of changes in zoning would be made after a decision is finalized by the Province with regards to the boundary. At that point, a public process under the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning and Development Bylaw will take place; more information will be provided at that time on preliminary design and subdivision concepts for all components of this initiative.
We invite you to email us at [email protected] with any questions that you might have. The boundary proposal was submitted to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission and they will host their own public process to solicit feedback, which we encourage you to participate in.