Think of the Community Energy Plan as a road map towards a cheaper, brighter future where you can have a direct impact on what happens in your town. A plan like this involves looking at what you have in the present and seeing what changes can be made to be more energy efficient in the future. Energy Efficiency is not the only concept that will be explored in this plan; we have considered solar, and wind options for the town.
The Stratford Community Energy Plan was adopted by Town Council on September 13, 2017. This plan will help reduce energy costs, decrease greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable resources. Stratford has already started to implement actions from the Community Energy Plan, including development of the Switch Stratford Program (SWITCH).
This Community Energy Plan includes strategies to reduce Green House Gas emissions in the following areas:

About the PCP Program
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is a network of over 500 Canadian municipalities, representing more than 70% of the Canadian population. The program helps municipalities reduce their emissions by providing a five-step framework.
The PCP program is managed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and ICLEI — Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada).
The Town of Stratford is proud to be the first community in PEI to reach milestone 4.

- Milestone 1 — Creating a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
- Milestone 2 — Setting emissions reduction targets
- Milestone 3 — Developing a community energy plan
- Milestone 4 — Identifying the degree to which measures in the local action plan have been implemented to date
- Milestone 5 — Monitoring progress and reporting results
For more information
If you would like to know more about the Stratford Community Energy Plan, please review the following documents.
Funded By the FCM Green Municipal Fund
Project Partners: Maritime Electric and Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group (SAWIG)
With support from the PEI Energy Corporation and the PEI Office of Energy Efficiency