For Immediate Release: September 14, 2023
The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
Temporary Use Permit Granted
A resolution was approved permitting the Stratford Youth Centre to operate the Cavendish Farms Fry Truck at Cotton Park during the upcoming Fall Fest.
One Lot Subdivision Approved
An application to subdivide parcel number 529297 (approx. 47,350 ft² in total area) into 2 single detached dwelling lots within the Low-Density Residential Zone (R1) zone was approved. The existing lot will maintain frontage on Winjoe Drive and the new lot will access Aptos Drive.
Public Meeting Called
A public meeting was called for Monday, October 16, 2023 to solicit public input on the following:
• Proposed amendments involving the incorporation of “Stacked Townhouse Dwellings”, associated lot standards, and other general housekeeping amendments to help clarify the Town of Stratford Zoning and Development Bylaw #45
• An application to rezone parcel numbers 912410, 677344, 677336, 677328, and 190082 (approx. 2.53 acres in total) from the Low-Density Residential (R1) Zone to the Medium Density Residential (R2) Zone
A resolution was unanimously defeated to bring an application to rezone parcel number 464719, approx. 0.81 acres in total, from the Medium Density Residential (R2) Zone to the Multiple Unit Residential (R3) Zone for the purpose of constructing a 40-unit multiple attached dwelling to public meeting.
Community Campus Street Names
A resolution was approved to name the streets in the Community Campus as follows:
Street “A” – John Joe Sark Drive
The late Keptin John Joe Sark was a Mi’kmaw leader, “advocate, educator, author, father, and friend to many” remembered as a trailblazer. Given the story of dropping out of school in grade 8 due to racism, eventually graduating from UPEI, and promoting the name change of the Rural’s mascot, there is poetic justice for the Community Campus to include his name given that the street will be home to the new high school (whose catch basin will include his home in Johnson River).
Street “B” – Farqhuarson Street
To recognize the Farqhuarson family who lived on and farmed the property for almost 200 years over which Street “B” crosses.
Street “B” Alternative – Russell Drive
Should Farqhuarson be found to be in conflict with existing streets this will be the alternative. Russell, a veteran of the First World War, was born on the Farqhuarson Farm and lived there until three weeks prior to his 80th birthday. It was grandsons of Russell Farqharson (Robert and Paul Farquharson) who sold the property to the Town for the Community Campus.
Tender Approved for Waterfront Park
A tender was approved for the construction of approximately 330m of timber boardwalk with three lookouts and a performance area, benches, seating, lighting, and electrical components to enhance the Town’s waterfront park. A supplemental capital budget of $178,689.20 was approved to allow the project to proceed.
Deputy Mayor Gallant proclaimed September 2023 “Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month” in the Town of Stratford.
For more information please contact:
Wendy Watts, Community & Business Engagement Manager
Phone: (902) 569-1995
Email: [email protected]
Printable Version: Media Release - Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (September 13, 2023)
Agenda: September 13, 2023
Recording: September 13, 2023