For Immediate Release: April 14, 2022
The following items were discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Stratford Town Council held on Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Special Presentation
Mayor Ogden, on behalf of Town of Stratford Council, staff and residents, presented a token of appreciation to the Honourable Diane Griffin, recently retired from the Senate of Canada, for her continuous years of support and advocacy for Stratford, and PEI.
Resolution Deferred
After discussion, Council voted to defer a resolution to the May Town Council Meeting for a Home Occupation permit. The application is for a golf simulation business to be located at 100 Rosebank Road and the additional time will allow for Town Planning staff to complete consultation with neighbours and request additional information from applicants at the request of Council.
Revised Subdivision Plan Approved
Town Council voted in favour of a revised subdivision plan to Phase 4 of Clearview Subdivision proposed by Macdonald’s Quality Housing Ltd. The revised changes include the reorientation of three lots originally fronting on Road D in the plan, such that they now front on Road C; the addition of a future access to the lands south of the development; a reduction of frontage widths for lots 73-79 to accommodate the reorientation of lots and the future access; and an increase in the parkland frontage on Road D from 10.2m to 30.65m resulting in an increase of 1276m2 (0.32ac) to the parkland area.
Text Amendments Approved
Following a public meeting and period of input from the public, all proposed text amendments to the Zoning and Development Bylaw #45 were approved. The text amendments identified bring Child Care Facilities up to date with the PEI Government Early Learning and Child Care Act, as well as minor text amendments to aid in clarification to Section 11.3.6 - Medium Density Residential Zone (R2) for lot coverage, and other text amendments bringing updated language to improve the Zoning and Development Bylaw #45.
Engineering Services Awarded
A resolution was approved awarding CBCL Limited the design, tendering and contract administration for the site servicing of the Community Campus in the amount of $208,700.00 (HST excluded).
Tender Awarded
The construction of the Sewer Lift Station Upgrades - Kinlock Road Sanitary Sewer Forcemain contract was awarded to Landmark Construction in the amount of $375,232.81 (HST excluded).
Appointment of Municipal Election Officials
Elections PEI have agreed to oversee the Stratford municipal election on the Town’s behalf in November 2022. A resolution was approved appointing Elections PEI staff, Tim Garrity as the Chief Municipal Election Official and Stephanie Thorpe as the Deputy Chief Municipal Election Official for the November 2022 mayor and council elections, as per the Municipal Government Act Section 40. (1). The resolution also empowers the Chief Municipal Election Official to employ such returning officers and election officials as required to conduct the election under the Town’s Election Bylaw.
For more information please contact:
Wendy Watts, Community & Business Engagement Manager
Phone: (902) 569-1995
[email protected]
April 13, 2022
Meeting Recording:
April 13, 2022 Meeting Recording
Printable Version:
Media Release - Stratford Town Council Meeting Summary (April 14, 2022)