We are pleased to offer residents a FREE showerhead exchange program on a first come, first served basis. Let’s conserve together!
What is the program and who is eligible?
The Town of Stratford is offering Stratford Utility customers the opportunity to exchange one, less efficient showerhead, for one new low-flow model. There is no cost to residents for this exchange; however, proof of residency is required prior to receiving a showerhead. Proof can include a copy of your utility bill, household bill, or driver’s license.
How do I know if my showerhead is eligible for exchange?
If your showerhead uses over 3.0 GPM (gallons per minute), you are eligible to participate in this program. Please check your existing showerhead to determine its water usage (should be located directly on your existing showerhead).
What showerhead will I receive?
Participants in the program will receive a Mainline Traditional Water Sense showerhead in a polished chrome finish. This model is an ultra low-flow showerhead, emitting water at a low 1.75 GPM at 80 PSI.
How do I install my new showerhead?
Make sure shower taps are turned off. Place a non-slip mat in the shower area to avoid slippage. Using an adjustable wrench, undo the old showerhead by turning counter-clockwise. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE. Remove flange from supply outlet and clean the threads with steel wool or a stiff brush. Dry thoroughly. Wind about six rotations of Teflon tape (available at any hardware store) around the supply outlet and place new flange over outlet. Screw the new showerhead onto the supply outlet, turning clockwise to tighten. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE. Check the showerhead does not leak; if it does, remove the showerhead, replace the Teflon tape and repeat installation steps.
For further instruction, please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiv4Zq9v4co
Do I need a licensed plumber to install the showerhead?
We recommend you contact a licensed plumber if you are not comfortable installing the new showerhead.
What if damage is done to the wall or new showerhead?
The Town of Stratford is not responsible for damages incurred as a result of removing or installing the showerheads.
What if I don’t like my new showerhead; can I return it?
You will not be able to reclaim your old showerhead. The Town of Stratford will not be offering exchanges.
I’m interested! What’s next?
If you are eligible and your existing showerhead meets the requirements for this program, please bring your showerhead into Stratford Town Offices during office hours to exchange for your new ultra low-flow showerhead. An application form is required and can be picked up during office hours, completed when you come in or is available for print: Application Form - Showerhead Exchange Program.
If you have any questions please contact us at (902) 569-1995 or [email protected]
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