Climate Action Plan
In 2022 Clean Foundation received funding from the PEI Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) to advance municipalities’ solutions on climate change, by assisting them to draft Climate Action Plans. In collaboration with the Federation of PEI Municipalities (FPEIM), Clean Foundation has worked with the Town of Stratford to research and compile a new Climate Action Plan, replacing a decade-old version that was no longer useful.
A Climate Action Plan is a document meant to guide the actions of the Town on activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This plan will be a blueprint for activities, actions, and additional work in the municipality to help mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate change mitigation is reducing emissions to slow or stop the progression of climate change, while adaptation refers to the actions taken to adapt to the increasing local impacts of climate change (extreme weather, erosion, etc.).
This draft Climate Action Plan is now available for residents to read and review and submit their comments and feedback. Please note that the deadline to submit all comments is Monday, January 1, 2024.
Please email [email protected] or call 902-218-3336 to submit feedback.